20 février 2008

Programme of our symposium

Thursday 13 March - Morning

9-9.30: Welcome of participants

9.45 – 12.45 : Production and interpretation of legal categories.

9.45/10.05 > Ségolène Barbou des Places (Université de Picardie Jules Verne): “Foreigners ‘caught’ by Law: The issue of the legal categorisation of migrants”.

10.05/10.25 > Gilles Frigoli (URMIS, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis): “Local practices of public categorisations regarding migration flows”.

10.45/11.05 : Any Freitas (Institut Universitaire Européen, Florence): “Reframing nations. Nationhood and “immigration” in Italy and Spain”.

11.05/11.25 > Christel Cournil (IRIS, Paris XIII): “‘Environnemental refugees’: an emerging category”.

11.25/11.45 > Introduction to the discussion by the moderator.

11.45/12.45 > Discussion and debate with the public.

Thursday 13 March - Afternoon

14. 30 – 17.45: Geopolitical issues and transnationalism: Migrants between states and states categories

14.30/14.50 > Anzhela Stashak (Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs): “The category ‘illegal migrant’ - consequences of its use.”

14.50/15.10 > Neda Deneva (Central European University, Budapest): “Migration on the Margins of the State(s): Bulgarian Muslims betwixt and between Bulgaria and Spain.”

15.10/15.30 > Jeanne Hersant-Menares (Centre des Etudes Turques et Ottomanes, EHESS): “Integration policies towards “foreigners of Turkish extraction” in Turkey: the derogatory status of stateless refugees from Western Thrace (Greece)”

15.30/15.50 > Luigi Achili (New School, New York): “Labelling in the space of doubt.”

15.50/16.10 > Marie-Laure Tending (Université François Rabelais de Tours): “North/South transnational migrations, the complex history of ethnic relations, and the integration of migrants”.

16.30/16.45 > Introduction to the discussion by the moderator.

16.45/17.45 > Discussion and debate with the public.

Friday 14 March - Morning

9.30 – 12.40 : Indigenous categories and new scientific categories.

9.30/9.50 >Isabelle Rigoni (Minoritymedia, Migrinter): “Labelling struggles regarding ‘ethnic minorities’ Medias’.”

9.50/10.10 > Lila Belkacem (EHESS, CEMS-IMM): “Experiencing, conceptualising, and saying categories : Malian migrants’ children and their identity.”

10h10/10h30 >Martin Rosenfeld (METICES, GERRME Université Libre de Bruxelles): “Categorising actors involved in the second hand car export business”.

10h50/11h10 > Claire Schiff (Université de Bordeaux 2, LAPSAC/CADIS) : «Beurs and 'Blédards': an indigenous dichtotomy with multiple uses. Gender, class and cultural relations in online discussion forums dealing with the Maghreb population.

11h10/11h30 > Anaik Pian (URMIS, Université Paris 7 Diderot): “The adventurer as a sociological figure: a specific type of actor in migration?

11.30/11.50 > Introduction to the discussion by the moderator.

11.50/12.50 > Discussion and debate with the public.

Friday 14 March – Afternoon

14. 30 – 17.05 : Redefining identity in the light of history

14.30/14.50 > Frédéric Roustan (IRIS, EHESS): “Japanese migrants in Tonkin, 1885-1954 : between legal and visual categories.”

14.50/15.10 > Jacqueline de Bony (LISE, CNRS/CNAM): Social diversity and its management in The Netherlands : Autochtoon (native) and allochtoon (immigrant).”

15.10/15.30 > Julie Voldoire (CRPS, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne): “Labelling migrations with a comparative bias : categorisations and identity constructions. The example of Poles in Nord-Pas-de-Calais and in Nordrhein-Westfalen.

15.30/15.50 > Claire Cossée (Minoritymedia, MIGRINTER) : “From 'travelling people' to Rroms. The genealogy and usage of ethnonyms. Towards an impossible neutrality.

15.50/16.05: Introduction to the discussion by the moderator

16.05/17.05: Discussion and debate with the public

17h05/17h30: Commentary by the « sponsors »

17h30/17h45: Conclusion by the group Migractions

11 février 2008

12 mars 2008

Les étrangers en France, 1919-1939
Paris, Saint-Denis
12 mars 2008

Journée d'étude organisée par le département d'histoire de l'Université Paris 8, en partenariat avec la Cité Nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration et l'association Études coloniales

mercredi 12 mars 2008

Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis,
2 rue de la Liberté, 93526, Saint-Denis,
M° ligne 13 station Saint-Denis Université
Salle B 106


9 h - Introduction : les étrangers en France, données statistiques,géographiques et sectorielles, Daniel Lefeuvre, Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis

9 h 30 - Les étrangers au travail, Danièle Rousselier-Fraboulet,
Université Paris 13

10 h 30 - Immigrants et indépendants. Parcours et contraintes, Claire Zalc, CNRS

11 h 30 - Les travailleurs polonais, Janine Ponty, Université de Besançon

12 h 30 - Déjeuner

14 h - Les réfugiés politiques en France dans l'entre-deux-guerres, Éric Vial, Université de Grenoble

15 h - L'opinion publique et les étrangers en France dans l'entre-deux-guerres, Ralph Schor, Université de Nice

16 h - L'État et les étrangers en France dans l'entre-deux-guerres,
Vincent Viet, CNRS

Renseignements et inscription : lefeuvre.daniel@orange.fr